Discovering Your "Why"

This project is more than just restoring an old structure to its former glory.

A good habit to adopt is to pause every so often, go back to the very beginning, and remember your "why?" German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once said, ‘He who has a why can endure any how.' For us, this old schoolhouse revitalization project meant much more than just an old building being restored to its former glory (although that part of our story is awesome too). This restoration project is symbolic of the old “marrying” the new. It’s about a community of people having eyes to see the value and potential that's been standing right in front of us all along. It’s about honoring the past, building community, being present in the now, while also dreaming for a beautiful future together!

Discovering Your "Why"

What causes YOUR heart to come alive?

The word inspire comes from the Latin, meaning “to breathe life into.” Our hope is that The Square at Piketon would be an atmosphere that breathes life into as you. It warms our heart to see you and a friend (or two) engaged in conversation over coffee. Let's be intentional this year about starting the dialogue on discovering our life purpose. These conversations aid in revealing our passions, our purpose, and help us to discover our "why." There is something powerful that happens when we verbalize out loud what we love, what sets our heart ablaze, and sometimes conversation draws out what you didn't even know was inside of you. As we dream out loud, it gives others permission to dream too. And before long, we've thrown a log or two on the flame of each other's hearts, and that's just awesome. So, cheers to more vision casting sessions over good coffee with friends, and discovering, TOGETHER, what sets our hearts ablaze!

Coffee date soon?